Organic Food Club
5 Easy Steps To Start
Step 1: Choose Your Membership Level
Only members can make appointments for produce pickups or planting services. Daily updates of availability and planting scheduling will be available on our website. The best way to get the latest information is to CALL AND SPEAK WITH US (847 561-1302). Hours for calling are from 10:00 am - 6:00 pm everyday. Delivery is available at an additional cost.
Choose 1 of 3 Membership Levels:
This is our simplest membership, and allows members to purchase our freshly-picked, locally-grown organic produce or other goods, sold at our own OFC prices. This fee is added to all produce or other purchases made that day.
"Shop from the Garden" does not include any growing and harvest options, it is for daily purchase only.
January through December produce and goods are able to be purchased at our own OFC prices.
This membership includes the convenience and personal service of communicating with your personal organic grower 365 days a year.
Our garden can be your source of produce to choose from as a simple way to purchase produce. Just think of us as your own personal “Farmers Market” available at a day and time convenient to you.
We will plan together what you want grown and let you know when the likely planting and harvest schedule will be. This will be a new experience if you never have had your own garden. Even if you have your own garden, we can plant the seeds that you don’t have space for in our garden.
Our planting and harvest schedule for all of the seeds that we intend to grow in our OFC Main Garden will be provided on our website. There is certain produce (i.e., squash, watermelon, corn, etc.) that must be grown in our Lake Zurich location.
Each member is allocated space within our shared crop bed (kale, lettuce, tomato, peppers, etc.) and will have the option to purchase shared crops at our special OFC prices.
In addition, each member can choose up to 3 specific organic/ heirloom seed packets and create their dedicated personal area in the garden. These packets entitle you to “first pick” when they are harvested. Otherwise, any member can purchase if there is a surplus.
To keep produce at its absolute freshest, all pickups must be scheduled in advance. We will coordinate and schedule your appointments for you to purchase and pick up your produce and other goods at the garden location most convenient to you. We encourage an onsite pickup so that we can together harvest your choice of vegetables. This will also enable you to pick other vegetables that may be of interest to you. It is a great way to try something new that’s growing and learn how to grow it yourself.
All of the points above in the annual membership fee are included, but you will be considered a “Steward of the Garden”. This recognition will prevail each year to acknowledge those who see the vision of preserving and expanding the organic growing areas in our community.

Step 2: Choose What Vegetables & Herbs You Want Us To Grow
To begin, provide us with your best wish list of the vegetables and fruits that you enjoy eating. Your commitment to us is to purchase the items you hire us to grow when they are ready for harvesting. We will communicate to you by posting on our website, a text or a phone call.
Every member has a choice to purchase from the OFC Main Garden, where we decide what is planted, or you can choose your own organic seed packs to be planted in your own designated garden area.

Step 3: Choose Your Growing & Harvesting Schedule
Each member has the opportunity to have their own individual planted / plotted growing schedule with the OFC. Schedules are dependent upon crop type and growing season conditions. For example, cool weather crops may not be available in the middle of the summer, and tomatoes are generally not available until mid-August.
Every member is required to visit the Highland Park location at least once each season and it’s important that you see our Lake Zurich location to experience our outdoor and indoor growing.
Some vegetables like lettuce and kale are available throughout the growing season while others like corn or brussel sprouts are harvested later on. We’ll work with you to determine the optimal planting times based on when you want to be eating your freshly grown veggies.

Step 4: Choose Your Growing & Pickup Location
Highland Park or Lake Zurich
Our Lake Zurich location is a business location with several greenhouses and more than an acre of land. We always welcome a visit but calling ahead is advisable (847-438-5315) to ensure someone is available. For your safety, all members must be accompanied by our staff in the greenhouse and fields. Robert Boyce also offers home installation and management of an organic growing garden. His team can also create, install and maintain an entire landscape (from design and planting to hardscape) at your home.
We have two growing locations: one in Highland Park and one in Lake Zurich. We can also help you develop your own home garden for an additional fee.
If pickup for products is not an option in your schedule, pre-scheduled delivery is available at an extra fee.
Our Highland Park location is in a residential area and we must be respectful to our neighbors. Appointment only visits are accepted. No drop-ins or unexpected visits, please.

Step 5: Choose Organic Veggies To Enjoy With Your Family
The OFC will provide you the convenience of offering an opportunity to enjoy locally grown organic produce, experience the taste and nutrition of freshly-picked veggies and learn new things through our evolving network of information regarding organic lifestyles, recipes, and gardening.
Our OFC pricing is always comparable or less than the area retailers selling organic products. Our carbon footprint is unbeatable. Freshness is always our biggest commodity. We only pick to order. Call any day of the week for your personal update on availability.